Consolidated into a single solution is a variety of support resources that have been scattered throughout Microsoft's web site and even in Windows itself. Windows version XP through Windows 7 are supported. Fix It Center will not only solve known problems, but scans your PC for potential problems and suggests fixes for them.
Fix It Center requires very little technical input. Just choose the category of the problem and it will launch the correct diagnosis program. The correction to some problems are automatic. Remember that this program is still under development and is for common problems. It may not work for the white elephant problems out there.
Here's how it works.
- Set up Fix It Center by going to and click the “Try It” button. This will download a small program.
- Run the downloaded program and accept the licensing agreement. This will then start the download and installations of the full Fix It Center program.
- The program will install several solutions based on the configuration or your PC. To take advantage of the full program you will need to setup an online account with Microsoft. This will give you not only the Fix It Center troubleshooter solutions and access to the Microsoft knowledge base. Clicking the Fix It Center icon on your desktop will launch the program and step you through the category choices, diagnosis and correction.
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