Facebook; Arranging Feeds To Get More Than Your 250 Friends Worth

Facebook, Inc.Image via Wikipedia
Facebook feeds show you updates for 250 of your closest friends. Facebook "friends" that is. And what happens if you have more than 250 friends? Well, Facebook somewhat randomly determines which feeds to show you.

While Facebook cannot read your mind, this is still no way to treat your friends. So, I submit that using "lists" is the answer to the problem. Using lists, you can quickly stroll through different segments of your friends and see what's up.

To change the "250" for your Status and news feeds, click on "News Feed", then click "Live Feed". Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on "Edit Options". Now you will see two boxes. One, to show more friends, and essentially add them to the live stream. No matter how Facebook determines the top 250, they will be there if they have updates. You can enter them by name, or scroll through your list of friends to add them to the max. 250. The other box is to purposely remove certain people pages or applications from the stream. By tweaking your live feed stream, you can make sure that you do not miss news from the friends you care about most.

Use "Add List" to further tweak lists of friends by what ever criteria you wish.

Happy Facebooking.

~ Andy

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